TecAsia Franchise Business Opportunity

The Largest IT Concept Store In Malaysia.

TecAsia Franchise Business Opportunity
TecAsia Group was established in 1994 to manufacture PC systems, market and sell computer accessories and PCs under the brand name “FTEC®, the future of technology”. The Group which is a public listed company, set up a IT concept store to expand into retail. TecAsia is no ordinary retail outlet as its store occupies an impressive floor space of approximately 27,000 sq. ft., and has been duly awarded the “Largest IT Concept Store” by the Malaysian Book of Records. Within the spacious retail store, consumers are introduced to the integrated 4Cs concept of computer, communication, consumer electronics and content.

The company has won many awards, some of the more recent ones include PC.com’s Best Product Award 2005: Best Local Notebook – Gold No. 1 in Notebook Category (Homegrown Manufacturer), Top Three Brands in Desktop System Category (Homegrown Manufacturer), and Superbrand 2005 Malaysia.

TecAsia Franchise Business Oportunity

Highest standard of quality
The IT concept store offers the latest and largest selection of IT products including Personal Computers, Notebooks, Printers, Scanners, Digital Imaging Solutions, Personal Digital Assistants, Mobile and Wireless Connectivity Solutions, Audio-visual and Projection equipment, and related peripherals. Customers are also given the widest choice of brands such as FTEC, Acer, Hewlett Packard, Apple, Genius, Microsoft, Belkin, Canon, Genius and others.
The customer service centre is a one-stop service centre that provides unique after-sales service, seven days a week. TecAsia is dedicated to providing the highest standard of quality service to discerning consumers.

Having developed its franchise programme this year, TecAsia is eager to introduce the IT Concept Store nationwide. Franchisees will get to share TecAsia Group’s experience in the IT industry supported by a strong trusted brand.

Franchise info
Company Name: TecAsia Sdn Bhd
Tel: +603-2773 2800
Fax: +603-2773 2900
Email: info@ftecdirect.com
Website: www.tecasia2u.com
Contact Person: Ms. Alice Tan
Initial Capital: RM519,000
Franchise Fee: RM50,000
Royalty Fee: 3% from monthly gross sales


  1. Suraya
    May 17, 2010 at 1:37 am · Reply

    I’m interested to know more.. email me pls

    • Franchise Malaysia
      May 18, 2010 at 2:59 pm · Reply

      Dear Suraya,

      Thank you for your interest. Please call Ms. Alice Tan at +603-2773 2800 or email to info@ftecdirect.com request for more information.

      iFranchise Malaysia

    May 3, 2011 at 9:06 pm · Reply

    I would like to do business in Kaulalumpur, please provide me more information on the subject.

  3. Alex Chong
    June 6, 2011 at 10:49 am · Reply

    Can please give me your branch address in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah ? Also telephone contact number. Thanks and regards

  4. rashidwahid
    September 6, 2011 at 12:36 am · Reply

    I would like to open and operate an outlet in Ipoh. Please advise

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