Dato’ R. Rajendran, founder and CEO of Krista Group of Companies, is a testament to the fact that passion and perseverance coupled with strategic execution and an unquenchable attention to detail are the keys to success in the long-standing business endeavours he’s involved in. Twenty three years ago, the intrepid entrepreneur founded Krista, an iconic early childhood education franchise brand which helped many bring their own business vision to life while enriching the lives and minds of more than 100,000 children nationwide and beyond. He talks to Franchise Asia about Krista’s evolution and significant milestones, insights on the education system and his vision for the future.
Could you share with us briefly about yourself?
I consider myself as a ‘Jack of All Trades’ entrepreneur, but I am happy to say that I managed to master most of the things that I am involved in. One of my first business ventures was the setting up and franchising of a preschool education business. Subsequently, I am involved in other businesses in connection with corporate consultancy, property development, events and lifestyles and media to name a few. I’m also a social entrepreneur as some of my businesses involve the communities and giving back to the needy.
Could you tell us how you started Krista?
Krista was started 23 years ago as there was a big need for quality kindergarten and childcare services and education in the region. I had the knowledge and expertise in the franchise business attained from the US when franchising was relatively new in Malaysia. The Krista brand, philosophy and concept were created so as to provide a brighter future for children by giving them a solid foundation on which to build their lives.
Krista comes from the English word, ‘Crista’ which is a biological term associated with the brain. Its vision is to become the country’s leader in promoting and supporting early childhood education activities towards making Malaysia a renowned centre in this field. The franchising concept is geared towards providing aspiring entrepreneurs a profitable business opportunity coupled with a rewarding career for a relatively small investment. Since our inception, we have seen two recessions and I am proud to say that most of our centres have withstood the test of time. We currently have 102 franchisees and plan to add some 20 outlets this year.
What makes Krista unique from other early childhood education companies?
Krista’s school programme known as The CAPABLE Programme’ has been purposefully developed in conjunction with my company in the UK for use in all Krista centres in Malaysia and internationally. The word CAPABLE is derived from the first letter of the seven components of the programme, namely Child-centred learning, Acquisition of knowledge, Practical experiences, Assessment provision, Benevolence inculcation, Learn through and to play and Exploratory endeavours. This unique preschool programme is an all-encompassing programme that guides the child within the 4 main segments namely displaying individuality, the effective acquisition of knowledge, character building, and the achieving of competency as preparatory groundwork for a successful lifelong learning process. The programme is geared towards providing a springboard for child to become a well-balanced and a ‘total’ person in his or her later years.
Currently, this programme is carried out by our 800 Krista teachers who are trained and certified on a regular basis.
What does it take to be a Krista franchisee?
If you have the HEART, you will be a successful Krista franchisee:
- Have appropriate academic qualification and financial resources – someone with an appreciation for education and the required capital.
- Enthusiastic – this attribute coupled with passion will help one travail through the tough times any business owner will face.
- Ability to follow the system – Krista franchisees have access to all the resources you’d expect from a reputable brand from a well-thought out and detailed programme to recruitment and marketing that will help spur your success as long as you follow the system.
- Risk taker & results driven – these are key attributes a business owner should have.
- Team player – our franchisees are expected to participate in the events and trainings that we have all year long that are beneficial to their personal and professional development.
What do you think has contributed to the growth, and success of your company?
In a nutshell, it’s 2 Ps – Programmes and People. Our academic and franchise programmes have proven to be relevant, flexible and have a timeless appeal throughout the years. When it comes to people, we’ve managed to keep our employees, franchisees, parents and students happy. Most of our franchisees have remained with us since Day 1 and we look forward many more years of success with them.
What are some of the milestones your company has achieved?
Krista is one of Malaysia’s first (if not the first) franchise brands that is recognized and registered with the government under the Franchise Act 1998. Recently, we’ve also won awards for three consecutive years such as BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Children Academic & Enrichment Programme, Best Kindergarten Franchise Programme and Best Kindergarten Programme. Krista is also the holder of 9 national records awarded by the Malaysia Book of Records including Longest Batik Painting Done by Children, Largest Kindergarten Chain and Longest Calligraphy Painting by Children. Our children can look back and feel honoured to be national record holders at such a young age! Another heart-warming milestone is whenever I encounter Krista graduates who have grown up to be successful adults.
We are also strong advocates for workplace childcare centres and have established Krista childcare centres at corporations like AirAsia, PETRONAS, CIMB and FELDA to name a few. This initiative is a long time coming and has the full support of the government.

What were some of the most notable challenges you have faced?
In the rare event where we had to take an errant franchisee’s breach of agreement to court, we came across judges who did not understand the Franchise Act. As such, our rights as a franchisor were not safeguarded. There were also individuals who are dishonest and greedy in the organisation. However, we have overcome those challenges.
How would you describe your management and leadership styles?
Two words: Coaching and Commanding. I’m there to guide, mentor and share my vision with my team members. At the same time, I’m strict and expect results.
What inspires you to lead your company forward?
My desire to achieve more and the fact that Krista holds a special place in my heart propel me forward. To me, desire is about having the drive, the passion, the love and a never-say-die attitude towards achieving success.
What do you envision your business to be in five years’ time?
That Krista will be a regional leader and go for listing (IPO). Alternatively, we will work towards a market and product extension merger.
What are your thoughts on franchising in Malaysia?
There is ample opportunity for success if one is part of a reputable franchise brand. To me, franchise businesses are more ‘branded’ and as such, still offers a low-risk and higher success ratio, with many benefits.
How do you achieve a balance in your work life?
I’m involved in multiple businesses and because I love what I do, it hardly feels like work! I’m also engaged in several non-profit and non-governmental organizations, most notably as the Chairman of CSR Malaysia.

You have been in the corporate and education industry for a long time, what has been your contribution to the nation?
Through my role in CSR Malaysia, I’ve been encouraging corporations to conduct more CSR activities. I’ve also brought educators in the private sector to come together through Koperasi Pendidikan Swasta Malaysia or Private Education Cooperative of Malaysia (EDUCOOP).
What do you think of the Malaysian education system?
There are still many flaws especially in matters connected to promoting harmony and unity among all races in the system. We need a total revamp and that involves many ministries. Unity across the diversity of our races can prove to be a big platform for greater success as a nation. In Krista, we emphasize unity at an early stage and all the major races are represented in our kindergartens.
What advice would you give to young people who are just starting out?
If you haven’t been planning on how to spend your time, you should start doing so now. Learn to value time and not waste it either as an employee or an employer. While money can buy almost anything, it cannot buy us time. Try to achieve as many as 10 things a day! Be grateful for everything that happens in life and learn to understand and accept that all that’s happening to us is for our higher good.
For more information, please contact Havchandni Kaur
at 03-2141 7575 or email branding@krista.com.my
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