Eduwis Franchise Business Opportunity


Established since 1987, Eduwis aims to provide an effective, high quality and professional early childhood education. To achieve this goal, they developed one of the most established and trusted programs in the field, using a thematic integrated approach in learning to provide individually oriented and semi-child centred instruction in order to ensure that each and every one of their students can reach their full potential within the core academic fields and beyond.

Balanced Developmental Priorities

Lessons are carefully organized around each child’s unique needs, abilities and interests. A daily schedule of hands-on activities is built in to support active learning through discovery, exploration and independent knowledge construction. Children learn and play in a balanced setting that actively teaches both academic and social skills. They get to create and experiment in various learning corners, and also learn in structured lessons.

Learning corners include science, maths, music, art and craft, home, reading corners and more. These learning corners strongly promote effective learning and heightened levels of involvement. Close attention is placed upon building a foundation of essential skills – intellectual, social, emotional, communication, conflict management and motor skills. The school emphasizes the importance of conserving the natural environment by supplementing learning with recycled teaching resources.


Key Initiatives

It is a goal to ensure that all children are developmentally on track and ready for formal schooling. Observations, assessments, projects and portfolios allow educators to accurately capture performance, celebrate achievements and adequately reflect on teaching approaches.

Effective curriculum delivery is augmented by monthly teacher training sessions and ongoing support. Educators are also entitled placement in professional development programs to enhance their subject knowledge and pedagogical expertise.

Another key initiative the school actively pursues to maximize the value of early learning is building a strong culture of parental engagement. Besides organizing an array of parental involvement activities throughout the academic year, yearly parenting workshops help families support learning at home and student success in school with curriculum-related activities and other school planning decisions.

Key Facts

Eduwis Sdn Bhd
Tel: +6018-212 8186
Franchise Fees: RM80,000
Marketing/A&P Fund: 2%
Royalty: 9 %
Initial Capital: RM250,00 – RM350,000


  1. Shameenii
    May 31, 2019 at 1:25 am · Reply

    Hi. Would like to know more details regarding the franchise procedure

  2. Caroline
    April 5, 2023 at 8:10 pm · Reply

    Hi, I would like to get information regarding the franchise

    • Jessy
      May 30, 2023 at 2:39 pm · Reply

      Hi, for those who are interested in Eduwis Preschool Franchise, we can be contacted at 018-212 8186 (Eda). Thank you.

  3. Josephine chow
    May 9, 2023 at 10:22 am · Reply

    Hi…may i know the franchise detail for sushi mentai

  4. Jessy
    May 30, 2023 at 2:38 pm · Reply

    Hi, for those who are interested in Eduwis Preschool Franchise, we can be contacted at 018-212 8186 (Eda). Thank you.

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